Misc. Item: ED-5 Grade 3 Key
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Type:Mission item
Weight:0.1 kg
Item Points:1
Found On:Planet Calypso

ED-5 lock configurations are believed to contain a strain of crystallized retrovirus in the 'key', de-crystallizing and infected the 'lock' upon contact with a substrate-layer to cause a benign clasp-formation tumor. The clasp formation is entirely different each time and is practically unbreakable.


ED-5 enmatter remains poorly understood by scientists. In fact ED-5 wasn't discovered by a scientist at all, but by an artisan - Eduardo Cinquanto - who discovered its strange reshaping properties whilst carving pieces of it in his workshop. It is a mystery how the substance 'knows' how to lock and unlock itself when the key is turned, but some attribute this to a kind of underlying sentience.


High-Grade ED-5 keys contain only pure ED-5 enmatter, producing the strongest possible clasp-formation 'lock' of all the ED-5 keys.


"Go with Haste

But nimble be

It saps your strength

To swim the sea"


"An egg you need

To end your quest

Defeat the foe

In which it rests"

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