Mission: Finding the Path
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Mad Prophet
Objective:Destroy 200 Troopers or Droka
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Mad prophet


Finding the Path


A prophet speaks his message of doom and challenges the colonist to face the truth of the machines.



  • Destroy 200 Troopers or Droka
    • 0 of 200



Mission Chain



This mission chain has been disabled.



Mad Prophet   

You! You are weak of heart! Why do you come here?


Do not think I do not know your mind! You are just like the rest of them, single-minded and intent only on the material world! Your heart is corrupted, turned away from the Truth!


The Nomad is the first sign. The nomad has come out of the dessert, bringing the Mark of Destruction. He has carried with him the Unholy Creations that will poison your veins and your machines.

  • Okay, okay, calm down! I believe you.

Your words are hollow. I do not think you believe me, you who even dress in machines to look like a Machine. Your secure and comfortable world crumbles around you, and you don't even notice the change in your heart? Is it fear that blinds you, or laziness?



  • Fear.
  • Laziness.
  • I'm not blinded!
  • You're a looney!



If you choose "Fear."

There are many fears. There is the fear for losing your life, and there is the fear for losing your possessions. Which one it is, I cannot say.
Fear is the mind-killer. You will succumb to your fear unless you conquer it. You must let your fear pass over you. You must be like the grass under the wheels of the machines. They will roll over you and you will rise.
  • How can I rise?

Show me what you are. Face the enemy. Destroy two hundred troopers or droka, and I will lead you onto the path.


  • Okay, I'll do it. At least I will get some loot.
  • No thanks. I have better things to do.



If you choose "Laziness":


Your honesty does you credit. But you are still weak. Laziness is weakness, and unless you are ready to cast your weakness off, you will always be lazy. You have to conquer your mind to rise.


  • How can I rise?

Show me what you are. Face the enemy. Destroy two hundred troopers or droka, and I will lead you onto the path.


  • Okay, I'll do it. At least I will get some loot.
  • No thanks. I have better things to do.



If you choose "I'm not blinded!"

Oh yes, you are, little one. But I do know of a cure that will open your eyes to the truth.
  • And that would be?

Terror. The terror of the Machine. Destroy two hundred troopers or droka, if you have the heart to do it. I will then lead you onto the path.


  • As you wish, "Master".
  • I've had enough of this mystical crap. Bye!



If you choose "You're a looney!"

And you are very rude! Goodbye!


  • (Close)

On return to Mad Prophet after killing Trooper/Droka:
''You have returned.
What did you learn?''
  • Robots are easy and dull.
  • Robots have nice loot.
  • Robots cost a fortune to hunt.

If you choose 'Robots have nice loot':
Ah. Full of confidence are we. Tell me, how many robots did you kill?
  • 200, like you told me.
  • This is a trick question, right? None.

If you choose '200, like you told me':
''No. You did not kill a single robot, because they are not here. They are out there. The things you destroyed are just their arms. They live out there. They are the mind cloud, not their mindless husks that you have riddled with plasma and bullets and laser beams.
You should have learned that in the last war against them. They are not here.''
  • And that's it?
''No, that is not it. this is just the beginning of the path. And if you are willing, I will lead you further down the path. But for now, take your reward and your spoils of battle and return to the world.
And remember this, as it was written in the Book of the Machine; to conquer the Machines, you must give everything up: your clothes, your weapons, even your friends and families. You must commit yourself to the cause, to a love before your time, and enter the Vortex. If you are ready to do this, come back to me.''
  • Okay. I'll be back

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