Mission: A Message From Yoshida
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Tutorial Chain
Objective:Report To Paul Reinhardt
Reward:Dexterity (eq. 0.01 PED implant)
Reward Skills:Dexterity
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Mr. Yoshida
Nearest City:Genesis Alpha Station
Required Mission:Pest Eradication
Added:Planet Calypso 2012.4


Mr. Yoshida wants you to report to Paul Reinhardt.


  • Report to Paul Reinhardt (68653, 71231)



You do NOT need to be at Mr. Yoshida's location to get this mission. It will start automatically when you finish the required mission.


Mission Chain


Yoshida's Communicator

Hello? Hello! Colonist! Do you read me?

A Genesis Star employee sent a call for assistance from a location down the road. You must go there and aid him.
  • I'm on my way
You will perform this task to the best of your ability.

Don't make me regret sending that patrol to save your life.
  • Don't worry, I'll be there in a sec

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