Mission: Analyzing The Sample
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Tutorial Chain
Objective:Purchase 100 Synthetic Mind Essence
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Lauren Lord
Nearest City:Camp Amundsen
Required Mission:To Camp Amundsen
Added:Planet Calypso 2012.4


Help Lauren Lord analyze the sample by bringing her a Nanocube.

Begin by securing enough PED to purchase the Nanocube by selling the hides she gave you.

The hides can be sold at the trade terminal, this is also where you purchase the Nanocube.

Bring the Nanocube to her.


  • Find the Trade Terminal
  • Sell the Hides
    • They are in the materials tab
  • Buy a Nanocube
    • Find it in the "Misc" category

  • Talk to Lauren Lord
  • Give Lauren Lord the Nanocube

Quest/Mission Items

Mission Chain



(Outdated as of VU 15.18.0)
Lauren Lord
(68776, 71028)

Yes. I see. Hmm...

The readings are... strange, to say the least. No. Something must have contaminated the sample.

I need to run some additional tests. The tests will require some Synthetic Mind Essence.
  • Synthetic Mind Essence?
It's a resource used for Mindforce, a discipline that allows the practitioners to aid friends and kill foes, using only the power of their minds...
Well, using the power of their minds combined with some powerful, high-tech, cybernetic implants.

Neat, huh?
  • Yeah.
It's also necessary for these tests.

So, the Synthetic Mind Essence is obtained through the Trade Terminal, also called TT. There's a trade terminal right in here.

Do you want information about the trade terminal and how to use it?
  • Yes (see below)
  • No, I'll figure it out myself (Jump to "Ok, here. Take these hides...")
The trade terminal is a useful device that is found in most cities and outposts.

It allows people to invest in basic equipment such as ammunition and survey probes. Basic armor, tools, and weapons are also available. 

It can also be used to sell items at their base value.
  • How do I sell things to the trade terminal?
First you must access the trade terminal's user interface, or "UI", by interacting with the trade terminal.
(Right-click, then choose "Operate")
Select the sell tab, then drag and drop (left-click, hold, drag and then release) the item(s) you want to sell to the sell window.
Then just click the sell button to sell the item(s). A confirmation window will pop up to confirm the action.
  • How do I buy things from the trade terminal?
First you must access the trade terminal's UI.
Then it's only a matter of opening the category of the item you seek, selecting the item and the quantity you want.

When you're done choosing, just click "Buy", and the item(s) will be placed in your inventory! A confirmation window will pop up to confirm the action.

You need PED in order to buy things from the trade terminal.
  • What's PED?
PED is short for Project Entropia Dollar, the currency around here. There are also Project Entropia Cents, or PEC.
1 PED = 100 PEC.

(PED is tied to the US dollar in a 10:1 exchange ratio, this means that 1 US dollar is worth 10 PED.

Your account's PED balance is displayed in your inventory, as well as under your health bar)
  • How can I get PED?
New Arrivals like yourself can obtain PED in two different ways. You can either work for other colonists, or you can deposit.

You can also sell items to a trade terminal or other colonists... but then you'd need to obtain those items first, of course.
(Deposits can be made through www.entropiauniverse.com and the in-game "EU Transfer Center")
  • Sounds good
Ok,here. Take these hides and sell them to the trade terminal, that should give you 1 PEC. Use the PEC to buy 100 Synthetic Mind Essence from the trade terminal.
When you have bought the Synthetic Mind Essence, bring it back to me. I'd do it myself but I have data to analyze.
(The hides can be found in the "materials" tab of your inventory. Synthetic mind essence is found in the "ammunition" category of the trade terminal.
You can find more info about the trade terminal in the help terminal.)
  • Ok, I'll be back soon

Instructions in Chat:

Right-click the blue trade terminal to open it. Click the "Sell" tab in the upper left corner. Drag and drop the animal hides from your inventory (press "I"). Click the "Sell” button in the bottom right corner to sell the animal hides.

Well done! Click the “Buy” tab in the upper left corner. Click the "Ammunition" category. Select "Synthetic Mind Essence". Click the arrows to change quantity to 100. Click “Buy” in the bottom right corner to buy the Synthetic Mind Essence.

On return to Lauren Lord:

Did you get the Synthetic Mind Essence?
  • Yes, I've got it for you
Awesome. Give it to me and I'll run the tests.
(The Synthetic Mind Essence is in the "Mindforce" tab in your inventory)
  • Here you go
Hmm... Not what I expected. Piezo-electric fibers... carbon capillaries... multiple traces of synthetic materials.

How? Why here? I'll have to report this.

Oh, you're still here?
  • I was just about to leave, bye!

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