Mission: The Entropia Master Traeskeron Exterminator.
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Traeskeron Fighter
Objective:Earn 60000 Traeskeron killpoints
Reward:Agility (100 Tokens) and Combat Reflexes (eq. 2.00 PED implant) or Agility (100 Tokens) and Explosive Projectile Weaponry Technology (eq. 1.21 PED implant) or Agility (100 Tokens) and Electrokinesis (eq. 0.60 PED implant) or Combat Reflexes (eq. 27.63 PED implant) or Explosive Projectile Weaponry Technology (eq. 17.88 PED implant) or Electrokinesis (eq. 8.94 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Nearest City:Camp Poseidon
Required Mission:The Supreme Traeskeron Slayer.

Mission Chain

The Apprentice Traeskeron Fighter.
Earn 600 Traeskeron killpoints
Rifle (eq. 0.21 PED implant)
The Capable Traeskeron Hunter.
Earn 3000 Traeskeron killpoints
Reward: Laser Weaponry Technology (eq. 1.06 PED implant)
The Expert Traeskeron Killer.
Earn 6000 Traeskeron killpoints
Reward: Anatomy (eq. 2.13 PED implant)
The Supreme Traeskeron Slayer.
Earn 30000 Traeskeron killpoints
Reward: Dexterity (eq. 4.25 PED implant)
The Entropia Master Traeskeron Exterminator.
Earn 60000 Traeskeron killpoints
Reward: Agility (100 Tokens) and Combat Reflexes (eq. 2.00 PED implant) or
Agility (100 Tokens) and Explosive Projectile Weaponry Technology (eq. 1.21 PED implant) or
Agility (100 Tokens) and Electrokinesis (eq. 0.60 PED implant) or
Combat Reflexes (eq. 27.63 PED implant) or
Explosive Projectile Weaponry Technology (eq. 17.88 PED implant) or
Electrokinesis (eq. 8.94 PED implant)

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