Version Update: 10.0.9
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Planet:Entropia Universe
News:Mini update, bug fixes

. Creatures no longer continue moving when they die.

Sound issues
. Missing sounds from fast fire weapons restored.

Location issues
. Shop containers that were underground have been adjusted and moved above ground.
. Background color adjusted in map.

Settings issues
. Client Loader now correctly saves chosen Options settings after exiting.

. An issue that caused items not to be visualized in estates after a server restart has been fixed.
. Claiming an estate now correctly changes item ownership also.
. Key bound Actions can once again be initiated on objects that are
in-focus. Previously it was required that objects be selected in order
for key bound Actions to work.
. The Equip/Unequip icons are displayed appropriately in the Item Info panel.
. Market Value panel snaps correctly to right side of Item Info panel.

Miscellaneous fixes
. An issue where certain creatures were causing a sudden drop in frame rate has been resolved.
. An issue in the private chat system, which displayed no message
despite the user responding to the incoming message icon, has been
. Auction Tabs and Buttons color adjusted to display consistent active status.
. Optimizations to reduce memory consumption.
. Falling animation restored.

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