Vehicle: Valkyrie T1 (L)
Specifications                  [Edit]
Weight:9.8 kg
Spawned Weight:700 kg
Item Points:1
Custom Colors:No
Custom Textures:No
Storage Count:15
Storage Weight:30 KG
Fuel Type:Oil
Fuel Consumption (A):0.05 Oil/km
Max.TT:0.2 PED
Wheel Grip:1.1
Engine Power:285.5 HP
Max Speed:55.8 km/h
Max Structural Integrity:165
Attachments:Ozutsu Ichi (L), Porcupine MAP-13 (L), MRL AV30 (L)
Stab:3 HP
Cut:3 HP
Impact:3 HP
Burn:2 HP
Penetration:2 HP
Shrapnel:2 HP
Cold:2 HP
Acid:2 HP
Electric:4 HP
Found on:Planet Calypso

This is a light vehicle fueled by oil.


This vehicle can accommodate up to one passenger as a gunner (they can only wield a mounted gun which they have to equip from their own inventory).


There must be oil in a vehicle for you to be able to drive it. Make sure your vehicle is spawned.


To fuel a vehicle

1. Oil is in the "Mined Resources" tab in your inventory

2. Press and hold left-click on the oil item icon

3. Drag it to the spawned vehicle

4. Release left-click

5. A confirmation window will pop up asking if you want to put oil in the vehicle, click OK



This vehicle can only be obtained from the mission "Shooting Star" as part of the tutorial mission chain on Thule.

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